Arresting Lyabedzka riot policemen stole city bus
- 11.01.2008, 11:15
The leader of the United Civil Party Anatol Lyabedzka was detained after the protest of market vendors. The arrest took place in a bus. At the bus stop near the Central Post office Anatol and 5 more protesters entered the bus. Riot policemen in black followed them instantly.
“Riot policemen ordered the driver to go where they would order. Then on walkie-talkie they asked a police car to arrive,” an activist Nina Dauhuchyts told to the United Civil Party press-center. “Near the City hall the bus stopped Anatol was taken out of the bus and placed into a police car”.
Beside participants of the rally of entrepreneurs, there were no other passengers in the bus, as the square had been cordoned off. When Lyabedzka had to get into the car, bus doors were closed, and nobody was allowed to go out anymore. But soon the bus was opened and everybody was told to dismount.
Anatol Lyabedzka was taken to the police department of Maskouski district together with an activist Uladzimir Shyla who had been detained earlier. As the latter told, a report was drawn up against him for “participation in an unsanctioned rally”.