Rally against “forcible recruitment” held in Minsk (Photo)

  • 3.02.2009, 16:22

A protest rally against illegal recruitment of young leaders Ivan Shyla, Zmitser Khvedaruk and Franak Vyachorka was held in Minsk.

On February 2 an activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” gathered in the street with posters “Recruitment-2009”. They went from the shopping centre “Impuls” towards Kamarouski market, singing “Katusha”. At the same time other participants of the performance were handing out leaflets to passers-by. The leaflets informed about the way in which the young activists had been drafted, and about the Conscription in the tsarist Russian Empire in the 19th century, which was used by tsarist authorities to get rid of dissenters.

On the back of the leaflet a poem “Start playing, little boy” was printed. A historical note was added: “A Belarusian peasant Pauluk Bahrym was taken to army for 25 years for this poem”.

As we have informed, on January 28 young leaders Franak Vyachroka and Ivan Shyla were forcibly seized and taken to the army. On the same day an activist of the “Young Front” Zmitser Khvedaruk was arrested. He was taken to the detention centre in Akrestsin Street. He spent two days there. The oppositionist guarded by policemen and KGB officers was taken to hospital. Doctors found him able-boded. On January 30 Khvedaruk was taken from the detention centre to serve in mobility support forces.

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