Minsk riot militia dispersed picket of solidarity with political prisoners (Photo)
- 17.06.2009, 12:20
Youth leaders Yauhen Afnahel, Maksim Vinyarski, and other oppositionists were arrested.
On June 16, activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” came to cinema “Belarus” holding a poster “Freedom to Political Prisoners!” and portraits of Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, and Yury Lyavonau.
Militiamen and officers of riot militia came to the place of picket and arrested Yauhen Afnahel, Maksim Vinyarski, Palina Kuryanovich, Aleh Ladutska, Iryna Pyatrova, and other people, who names are unknown.
The people detained were guarded to the Tsentralny district militia department. The young oppositionists had to spend two hours in the department and then were released without any reports drawn up.
“We were holding a picket of solidarity near “Belarus” cinema. We were holding portraits of political prisoners, a poster, European and national flags. After 20 minutes of the picketing militiamen and officers of riot militia came to us. One of the militiamen told us we wouldn’t be detained if we ended the action. But when we began to go away, militiamen caught us and pushed us in a paddy wagon. When I asked the militiaman why he didn’t keep his word of officer, but he couldn’t say anything clear. I feel sorry that the acting authorities have made the militia forget about honour. We’ll continue to organize pickets of solidarity unless all political prisoners are released and political repressions in the country are stopped,” Yauhen Afnahel told the Charter’97 press center.
Belarus marks traditional Day of Solidarity on June 16. Actions demanding the Belarusian authorities to stop repressions against opposition and release prisoners of conscience are held in Belarus and throughout the world every 16th day of a month.
Leaders of entrepreneurs from Vaukavysk Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka were detained on February 8, 2009. On February 18, they were charged under article 218 of the Criminal Code (destruction or damage to property of citizens). Human rights activists consider the detainees to be political prisoners drawing attention to the fact that Autukhovich and Lyavonau were convicted before and recognized prisoners of conscience by the international community.
Participants of the Process of 14, sentenced to restraint of liberty, Artsyom Dubski, Alyaksei Bondar, Mikhail Kryvau, Mikhail Pashkevich, Alyaksandr Straltsou, Alyaksandr Charnyshou, Tatsyana Tsishkevich, Mikhail Subach, Pavel Vinahradau, Maksim Dashuk, and Alyaksandr Barazenka, remain restricted in rights.