Gay parade dispersed by riot militia in Minsk (Video, photo)

  • 15.05.2010, 15:46

More than ten people were forcefully detained by the riot militia.

The Slavic Gay Parade 2010 held in Surhanau Street on May 15 gathered about 230 people. The participant raised a 12-meter rainbow flag shouting “No to Homophobia!”, “Equal Rights, No Compromises!”, “Homophobia is a Disease!” and other slogans.

As BelaPAN reports, demonstrators walked on the pavement some dozens meters. They held a short meeting at 1, Surhanau Street and tried to continue the march. The rally was dispersed by the riot militia at the intersection of the streets Batanichnaya, Akademichnaya and Surhanau.

More then ten people were forcedully detained by the riot militia. They were pushed into milita cars and taken in an unknown direction.

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