Freedom House: Belarusian prison authorities endanger health of political prisoner

  • 26.07.2011, 18:10

Freedom House, a well-known human rights organization, released a statement in support of Zmitser Bandarenka, the coordinator of European Belarus civil campaign.

The statement says the authorities of the Interior Ministry’s detention facility made Belarusian political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka undergo a spine surgery without proper rehabilitation before he will be sent back to prison.

“Bandarenka has reportedly been subjected to inhumane conditions in prison that have led to multiple health problems including stomach ulcers and spinal disease. According to his wife, Bandarenka was not given an option with regards to having the surgery and will be sent back to his cell after only two weeks, despite a need for months of rehabilitation. Bandarenka is in extreme pain and his right leg partially paralyzed. Surgery could permanently cripple him if prison authorities send him back before he has had time to fully recover,” the statement says.

Freedom House condemns the utter disregard for Bandarenka’s health by prison authorities and calls for his immediate release so that he can receive proper medical care.

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