Subbotniks To Become Mandatory For Belarusians
- 5.03.2019, 14:35
What is the essence of the new Lukashenka's directive?
Lukashenka has signed Directive № 7 “On the improvement and development of the country's housing and utilities,” Belsat reports.
The document sets out the resolutions adopted during the republican seminar-meeting on October 20, 2017, Lukashenka's instructions on improvement and development.
The main objectives that define the promising areas of industry development are the improvement of the quality of services and fair tariff policy, rendering state support to low-income and socially unprotected categories of citizens, improvement of work with the population, development of public control mechanisms in the housing and utilities sector, encouraging citizens to participate in the implementation of energy-efficient measures in the housing, encouraging citizens to participate in the implementation of energy-efficient measures in the housing stock, greater involvement of the population in the work on landscaping cities and settlements.