Armored Armada From Sweden Is Heading To Ukraine

  • 6.10.2024, 14:59

170 armored personnel carriers are already on their way.

Sweden is providing all of its Pbv 302 armored personnel carriers to Ukraine, which, despite their age, are still serious weapons. A video has appeared online of a whole echelon of Pbv 302 armored personnel carriers being prepared for shipment from Sweden to Ukraine.

Some are disappointed, calling them outdated weapons from the 1960s. Pro-Russian websites and non-specialists are spreading disinformation. Information that Sweden would transfer Pbv 302 from its stockpiles was received back in May, and this is positive news, writes Ukrainian military expert Oleksandr Kovalenko.

The Pbv 302 is a good armored vehicle, superior to Soviet counterparts such as the BTR-50P and BMP/BMD-1/2/3. It can withstand hits of 20 mm shells from the front, while such shells make holes in Soviet BMP/BMD-1/2/3.

Pbv 302 has good mobility, cross-country ability and low ground pressure, which allows it to operate in marshy terrain.

Moreover, Sweden is transferring all of its Pbv 302 to Ukraine. In 2024, there were about 170 Pbv 302 vehicles in storage, which is enough to fully equip 5 brigades of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The vehicles have been in storage since 2014 and are in excellent condition.

"Yes, I agree that the vehicle is outdated and does not meet the modern challenges of war, but in the conditions of an acute shortage of armored vehicles and the enemy's situation is not the best, but even worse, they are very, very useful..." the expert said.

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